- Current and Forecast APIs
- Historical Weather Data
- Weather Maps
- Widgets

With our new One Call API you can get access to essential weather parameters for any location on the globe with only one call to API.
- One API call
- Free access - 1000 API calls/day
- Current weather, Minute, Hourly and Daily forecasts, and 自由伔安卓版中文版
- Easy migration from the Dark Sky API (see documentation)

Our new technology, Time Machine, has allowed us to enhance the data in the Historical Weather Collection.
- Historical weather data available for ANY coordinate
- The depth of historical data has been extended to 40 YEARS

Historical forecast weather data is available starting from October, 2017. We provide this data in CSV and JSON formats.

Hourly Weather Forecast
By using this API you will get detailed forecast data with 96 timestamps for ANY coordinate.

This new API will allow you to aggregate historical data by day/month/year. Based on our Historical weather data.
We provide satellite imagery, weather data and other agricultural services that are based on geodata. By using Agro API , you can easily power your solution based on this information.
Dashboard is a visual service where you can easy work with satellite imagery and weather data for your fields. It is the real example of what we provide through Agro API.
- New satellite imagery every 2-4 days
- Historical satellite data archive
- NDVI / EVI vegetation indices and Historical NDVI chart
- Current, Forecast and Historical weather data


Forecast & Historical weather map
Using only one API call, you can get Forecast (for 10 days with 3-hour step), Historical, and Current weather maps.

A variety of maps are available including precipitation, clouds, pressure, temperature, wind, and many more.

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Watching for current temperature and weather conditions in your city or any other location on the interactive global map.
中国人为什么重视外语学习? - huanqiu.com:2021-11-7 · 从90岁高龄的老人,到9岁的小学生,从中外企业的合作洽谈,到日常生活中的沟通问候,对大多数中国人而言,用外语交流早已不再陌生,外语学习已成为各层次学历教育的必修课程。
Run your advertising campaign with OpenWeatherMap weather API through Google AdWords.
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Find lots of workouts with our weather APIs on PHP, Java, Python, Go and many others on the Partners page together with 5000+ repositories on GitHub.
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Weather APIs for developers
Simple and fast APIs.
Access to current weather, forecasts, maps and historical data in JSON, XML, and HTML formats. A variety of map layers are available including precipitation, clouds, pressure, temperature, wind, and many more.
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Connect your weather station to OpenWeatherMap
We are glad to invite you to join our network of private weather stations. Today we have more than 40,000 weather stations around the world. You can connect your weather station to OpenWeatherMap and get a convenient interface for gathering and monitoring data from your weather station. You can also embed your weather station data into your home page.